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Due to personal life changes, I have decided to take a break/resign from planning Guerrilla Protests, but that does not mean the movement loses momentum.
I encourage anyone interested in planning a community organized event, please reach out to me so I can assist you in the process and share resources. Read below on my personal mission and goals for these protests. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to me via the Contact Page. I have also started offering healing services for community organizers and abolitionists, so if you're interested, click here.
These messages are my input on the movement and how to increase involvement to create change for our generation...
It is time to take up the gauntlet and use our voices to build the world we want to see. To stay SILENT is to stay COMPLIANT in the face of VIOLENCE. We will no longer sit in fear of the repercussions of making our voices heard. Our generation, our message, our media, OUR FUTURE!
These protests are STRICTLY non- violent sit-ins that focus on bringing communities together to show unity and solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement. With one clear message, #GuerrillaProtests are by us for us to show that we are dedicated to our futures. It's time to speak up to those around you about what you believe in and is passionate about.
Here is a brief video of the vision:
The main points this organization focuses on are unity in communities, open dialogues about mental health, and to those who don't understand or agree with this movement. We also add focus on voting, registration, and suppression. 
We come together forming a unity in the community of the Black Lives Matter movement and open conversations about how to take action for our future, for the people around us, and states of our mental health.  Protest attire is green and yellow to show community, life, and new beginnings.
Below are a few shots of the first protests!
*Taken by: // IG*
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Links to bring justice to the black community and help the cause: 
Know your rights:
Links for voter information: 
Mental Health Resources:
Links for Black Art and Artists:
South Florida Businesses:
Anyone with any questions, comments or concerns should contact
Nina Elizabeth directly. Click on the Contact Me Page to contact me directly. 
**If you are looking to support a black artist or business, feel free to check out my prints and the Below are some shots of a Fort Lauderdale Protest rest of the services I offer. Click Here. Below are some shots of a Fort Lauderdale Protest shot by me.**
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