Eleven of Wands
Intuitive Healing Services

Some disclaimers...
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or inquiries, feel free to contact me before booking.
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Tarot and Oracle Readings.
These readings are messages from your spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors, higher power (God, Buddha), any and all divine energies that you believe guide and keep you safe. They’re meant to bring you clarity and advice on situations going on in your life, currently. I read for the energy as it is in the present, so it is subject to change. To book, click here!

Looking for Free Readings?
Check out noban.world for free live question readings and spiritual advice.
I also offer tip-based and time-based readings so feel free to contact me for either!

Additional Services.
One-on-one spiritual advising sessions are available. contact me personally for these services. Or for natal birth chart readings, I have a service list for astrology on my Instagram and Twitter pages.